Saturday 13 July 2024

Old Haunts

 Went a walk down memory lane this week. 

Well more like an amble down a few well known streets, where I once lived...

It started when an open invitation to stay with Kenneth and Natalie was accepted as a break away from my usual weekly activities. You know the regular swimming, crosswords, duolingo, reading my kindle and shopping in Morrisons.

Tuesday evening I was treated to dinner out at Crabshakk, Vinicombe Street, in Glasgow's West End.

Yes, that is how you spell it! I enjoyed a sumptuous meal of scallops, rollmops and crab fish cakes.. and yes I love sea food.

Not only did I enjoy the meal but I intend to go back and share the gustatory joy with a friend. 

So the visiting old haunts story started with the meal on Tuesday evening, as I once shared a tenament flat with friends in Vinicombe Street. 

We lived above the Hotspot, a local curry restaurant, which is no more as it was demolished and a modern building put in its place.

Modern Build

 Opposite the flat was a Picture House called The Salon. Andy and I, would of a Saturday night date, go for a curry at the Hotspot and then pop accross to The Salon to watch whatever two films were on offer. They were usually in the category of an A and a B movie. One combo I remember vividly, was 10 Rillington Place and What's New Pussycat! Odd combo, I know

Ah, to be young and in love... 

The Salon is now a restaurant and club... and looks very posh from the outside. But I have fond memories of inside...

I know, I know... it is a saga this month. Forgive me...

Wednesday morning dawned and I thought that I would take a short walk across the Botanical Gardens and peruse a few shops on Byres Road.

Well plans change. I entered the leafy walkway and considered my choices. Down the steps I went and was offered the Kelvin Walkway as an alternative route.

You see, I walked the Kelvin Walkway with a friend a few years back and if I walked to Kelvin Bridge I would pass Otago Street where Andy and I had our very first home...

 I told you it was a walk down memory lane. Well probably more a trudge, as it took a lot longer than the walk in the park that had been my intention. But I loved the Roots and Fruits association with the street where our married life had started all those many, many years ago.

There are lots of photos of my Kelvin River adventure that day but it is not necessary to share them all. This blog episode is a record of what happens when one changes direction. When one right decision leads to another path and a bucket full of memories flood back just like the River I walked along.

My days away were supposed to be R and R but were so much more. Thank you Kenneth and Natalie for helping me have a special interlude of refection... and of course, the fabulous dinner at Crabshakk!

Om Shanti... peeps.

p.s. I returned the short way back through the Botanical Gardens after a shopping trip on Byres Road and sustenance to keep me going. 

Now don't judge me! I deserved it...

So much shorter on the way back...

The sun shone, the shopkeepers loved me... or so it seemed. 

Then maybe it was just my credit card.

I returned to K and N's eyrie. Well, their flat is on the third floor! and felt very satisfied by my day's trip down memory lane.

Happy with my purchases and content with my memories of many days of fun and laughter when Andy and I were west end dwellers, I was able to retire to bed with lots of blessings to write about and a blog to want to share...

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wisdom and courage


 Sometimes you find the inspiration or the strength to carry on...


Tuesday 14 May 2024

Head in the sand and other misconceptions

Many, many years ago I had a picture cartoon of an ostrich with its head in the sand and the caption was as below: "Please don't tell me to relax - it's only my tension that's holding me together!"

I used to use it when I was referring to how people mistakenly think that the practice of yoga and learning to relax wouldn't be helpful. The implication was that, like the foolish ostrich, they were ignoring what was obvious to everyone else and they were avoiding dealing with whatever needed to be accomplished...

Well imagine my surprise when, not only did I come across this cute ostrich photo with a familiar caption, but it would appear that ostriches don't put their head in the sand and never did. They have been the subject of  'Fake News' from long before we knew there was such a thing!

Talk about sitting up and taking stock of what belief structures I have been holding onto... just because someone once said it! 

and yes I have been avoiding dealing with lots of stuff and ignoring what has been obvious to everyone else.

But not anymore.

So, there are two parts to this blog this month...

The first  - is that I am relearning to relax, despite my changed circumstances. I do not believe that it is only my tension that is holding me together as I am becoming more aware that it is my support group of family and friends that are influential in helping me stay in the moment ...

and importantly, enjoy those passing moments more and more.

The second - is back to the ostrich! To escape detection, chicks and adults lie on the ground with their necks outstretched. A habit which may have given rise to the mistaken belief that the ostrich buries its head in the sand when danger threatens! They are being smart, not foolish

and also they dig a shallow hole in the ground for their eggs, so from a distance, it looks as if their heads are in the sand. 

It's all about the perspective. We need to make sure that what we are seeing/believing is showing us the truth

Monday 22 April 2024

Sunshine and showers

April has certainly delivered on its sunshine and showers. Sometimes in the same day, sometimes alternating days, but always keeping us on our toes.

The grandchildren are confused by Scottish weather. Most people are, I suppose. They think that when the sun shines, it is summer, so they may well be disappointed when summer does eventually come along...

Blue skies and 'Blue Sky' thinking, naturally go together. You know the optimistic outlook on life... easier when the sky is actually blue. But worth while whatever the weather.

Extended family catch up at Kelburn Cafe last weekend was blessed by clear skies, great food, kiddies climbing walls ( not the parents!) with no obvious fear ...

  and for me, a new baby to cuddle. What's not to like!

and on the subject of climbing walls...

everyone was getting in on the act on Saturday!

Not sure, what is the best metaphor for the captions but I was inspired by goats and children alike. They don't accept the boundaries that we have, either in the literal sense or in the thinking sense. They don't think of walls as obstacles, but think, "Ah, a wall, must climb!"

Onwards and upwards as they say...


Tuesday 26 March 2024

Let's open our hearts...

This month the Power of Eight's Intention was ...

             "Let's open our hearts wide sending peace and healing energy to all"

This much?

I am certain that the intention would be apt for any and every month, such is the way of the world just now. However I was very grateful to pause every day for 10mins and focus on the intention. No matter how anxious I was, the brief respite from the surrounding doom and gloom was/is very welcome.

In last month's blog, I hinted that another, wise quote or even an inspirational mantra would be included in my monthly update blog, of how things are going in the world of Eileen et al.

And sure enough, here we go 

First of all, I treated myself to a new daily reading book at the beginning of the year.

This was something I used to do every year. It gave me focus at the beginging of the day. A subject to meditate on, or some inspiration to carry me through the day ahead.

I know that some of you, who know how many books I have gathered, will be thinking "another book"! but rest assured folks, this book was meant for me... it was even on the reduced shelf.

Stoicism is a much misunderstood philosphy. Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor, who I often quote, recommended it as a philosophy to live by.

The philosophy asserts that living by the four cardinal virtues of self-control, courage, justice and wisdom, is happiness and it is our perception of things rather than things themselves that cause most of our troubles!

There are many famous American advocates of Stoicism. Such as George Washington, Walt Whitman. Theodore Roosevelt, Ralph Waldo Emerson. All great men who like Marcus Aurelius, pondered on the big question "what is the best way to live?"

My husband wasn't a famous American author, philosopher or statesman. Or an ancient Roman politician or Greek writer... but he was a stoic. He lived his best life because he followed the cardinal virtues. His life was one of service, not as a duty but as a privilege. 

And I am sure this book was his gift to me. 

Especially, when I fell foul of a virus that floored me. Leading to a chest infection, conjunctivitis and  more recently blepheritis! Yep I hadn't heard of it either. Since the beginning of March until this week I have been beset by one thing after another and have had to use every tool available to me to stay strong, focus on getting better and make myself rise above and beyond the dark thoughts and stressful thinking.

I had a daily reading to inspire me, an evening meditation of peace and healing to focus on... and a picture of Rosie opening her arms wide as we explored Seamill beach looking for shells. Each and every one a miracle in itself.

That's where I find joy, walking along the beach and opening my arms and heart to finding peace and healing and being able in that moment to share peace and healing with all.

Tuesday 13 February 2024



Last month, I was quoting Caroline Myss and this month it is Deepak Chopra and no doubt next month it will be another inspirational author. This quote strikes a chord as it is what I truly believe. We can always choose love.

It can be loving people, loving pets, or even loving what you do. But it is particularly special when you just experience loving life

This last weekend I got to choose lots of ways to show my love. One of my favourites is by cooking and even the grandchildren quote me, by saying that my special ingredient is love, especially when I make them their mac 'n cheese.

So what else was on the "menu" at the weekend as Murphy and Rosie were spending their weekend with me at Seamill.

Saturday tea time included a visit to my swimming pool at The Seamill Hydro, where the kids had a blast. So much fun was had but of course no photos... you will just have to take my word for it. They loved it. 

They loved the stars on the ceiling, the bubbles in the tub and the whole experience was a 10/10. They even had their Dad with them enjoying "Nonna's" pool. You can't get better than that. 

Love is sharing a swimming pool and then a spag bol with garlic bread tea!

However there is more and there are photies this time...

Sunday was the day my sister-in-law, Chrissie and myself eventually managed to take the children on an adventure to Dumfries House, Cumnock. 

Much love was shared with Chrissie from Murphy, Rosie and myself. Thank you so much Auntie Tiss. Delighted we were able to successfully organise our visit on the third or fourth rescheduling. You went above and beyond Chrissie, especially when you see what the children wanted to do...

First of all, zip wire:

Then it was the high wire walk...

Yep... once again. They loved every minute of flying through the air, see-sawing, running and sliding down big, big chutes and even completed the skywalk. Rosie did it twice!

When you choose to love what you are doing and who you are with, life can be so much fun.

Thank you Chrissie, Murphy and Rosie for choosing to enjoy/love/a 10 out of 10 adventure. 

Here's to having lots more adventures together.

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Sad times

 Not feeling much like writing just now, as all around me are sad tidings. Life seems to be so difficult for so many, both here and abroad. As well as my own personal saga of loss.

So forgive me if I choose to use someone else's words.

Caroline Myss has always been an inspiration to me. Recently her words have echoed in my head.

Will continue to write, just not now.

With love
