Monday 15 February 2021

Going Green


Many of you who have visited my home in the past, would have noticed how green my kitchen is. I am not talking about plant life although there is a preponderance of herbs on one wall, I am talking appliances! 

Kettle, toaster and even a matching dishwasher! 


So what better gift could Andy give me this Valentine's, but a green coffee pot. The handle had broken on our previous one so we had a coffee pot emergency! I am sure you can't imagine what I would be like without my coffee, then again maybe you can!

Do you think my OCD is showing or is it just the fact that I fell in love with a green coffee pot. Well I did say it was a Valentine's gift. No red roses for me thanks, green coffee pot will do it every time. It might be my imagination but I think the coffee tastes even better...

All joking aside, going green is, as you know, not about buying green kitchen appliances or even buying green foodstuffs such as broccoli, courgettes, cabbage and my favourite, asparagus. It takes the whole environment into consideration and all of us working together to go green.

So no matter how grateful I am for my Valentine, it seems the arrival of the vaccine injection programme last week was a timely Valentine's gift to the Largs populace. Andy and I got our jabs in a well organised set-up with some very grateful aging punters like ourselves queueing patiently. A perfect example of us all working together when our health is at risk from a global pandemic.

Socially, I even got to catch-up with a couple of ex-neighbours and chat to quite a few friends, who I hadn't seen over the past year, all while spending time in a queue. So much for the Government guidelines of seeing one member of a household at any given time. The whole set up of mass vaccination was a communication "fest" with my fellow man and woman.

One gift that the past year has given us, which we should cherish as much as any loving Valentine, is our planet earth being given the "green light". We have been compelled to go green globally, whether we liked it or not.

We have been driving less, walking more. We have been needing less and sharing more.  And most importantly we have seen more and more that the inter-relationships across the globe, through travel and politics, have far reaching effects on us all.

Just like the organised vaccine day that I recently "enjoyed" - let's have a communication "GreenFest" and find out just how green we can grow...

Om Shanti...