Monday 22 April 2024

Sunshine and showers

April has certainly delivered on its sunshine and showers. Sometimes in the same day, sometimes alternating days, but always keeping us on our toes.

The grandchildren are confused by Scottish weather. Most people are, I suppose. They think that when the sun shines, it is summer, so they may well be disappointed when summer does eventually come along...

Blue skies and 'Blue Sky' thinking, naturally go together. You know the optimistic outlook on life... easier when the sky is actually blue. But worth while whatever the weather.

Extended family catch up at Kelburn Cafe last weekend was blessed by clear skies, great food, kiddies climbing walls ( not the parents!) with no obvious fear ...

  and for me, a new baby to cuddle. What's not to like!

and on the subject of climbing walls...

everyone was getting in on the act on Saturday!

Not sure, what is the best metaphor for the captions but I was inspired by goats and children alike. They don't accept the boundaries that we have, either in the literal sense or in the thinking sense. They don't think of walls as obstacles, but think, "Ah, a wall, must climb!"

Onwards and upwards as they say...