Monday 19 February 2018

Timely reminder

Being told to stop and smell the roses is a metaphor that can be easily understood. However how often do we follow the wisdom of the saying. I know I have difficulty with the concept. It seems that I find the adage a hard pill to swallow - another metaphor!

Recently, as in 5 months ago, I received the "gift" of enforced leisure and sure enough, I worked at ignoring it. Not to be recommended as being strong willed (pig-headed) can be detrimental to one's health!

So for the past 6 weeks, I have been resting and appreciated the fact that a friend gave me roses to ponder on. A reminder that the living it yoga approach I practise... is being in the now, in whatever circumstances you find yourself.

Being still, being at rest, really just being oneself...
and yes the roses both look and smell beautiful but only if you take the time to stop!

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