Friday, 2 November 2018

Murphy Moments

How quickly time passes when the family come to stay ... Their first day in Largs brought the sun out and the family got to have an explore ... walking along the shore, playing in the park, visiting the ice cream shop and ...

getting to ride on Thomas.
Thomas became a theme ... as Murphy read about his favourite train, watched his favourite train on the TV, played with his favourite train and even saw many "real " trains coming and going from Largs.    

Sometimes he just had to have some chillin' time from the excitement of it all ...

and included in the excitement was a visit to Edinburgh zoo where the March of the Penguins was the highlight.

Mostly, Murphy loved to visit soft play areas to play in the ball pit and climb high and slide down the chute or have a splish splash in the swimming pools. His favourite pool had slides, where he could made a big splish splash when entering the water.

His auntie Natalie had presented him with his own Paw Patrol (another favourite) ball pit. This, he used as a tent/castle, a chute, as well as the original use of a ball pit, whatever that may be.

Who knew what versatility was available with an inflatable car! You just need the imagination to change what you see into what you want it to be ... lessons to be learned there, eh!

More Thomas moments ...
Elephants on parade
There were lots of precious family times with everyone entering Murphy's world.

Whether it was trumpeting like elephants, or watching the film Minions on the TV, singing all the music from the film Moana, roaring like a dinosaur or cheering hip, hip hoorah at every conceivable moment ... life was a ball. At least it was for his doting grandparents.

Then it was time for the Canadians to return to Canada ... but first a visit to the relatives in Stratford , Ontario where Murphy once again found Thomas ... in a very precious book that had been in the family for many years.

There were magic moments visiting the ducks and many new places to explore ... and many new family members to entrance.

Their stop over coincided with Hallowe'en and family pumpkin party time, so it was Trick or Treat anyone?

We certainly were treated to three weeks of family fun and laughter, can't wait 'til we schedule in our next Murphy moments.

They are, I can assure you, momentous ...