Wednesday 22 February 2023


Well... the sun is shining in Largs today!  and boy does it make a difference. There was an accompanying cold wind ... brrrr ...

but our granddaughter, Rosie and myself, managed to persuade Grandpa to take a walk to the beach to search for shells...

 and surprise surprise, there was an abundance of them.

Rosie loves the fact that although she brings a full bucket home to wash, with the next visit to the beach, the tide has brought even more of the beautiful shells she likes to collect.

We even encountered three dogs on the beach this morning that came to say hello. We think they must have been part wolf due to their "huskieness", but Rosie and the dogs still became pals and that added to our adventure. 

We were so close to home... but still managed an adventure.

As Rosie was our little ray of sunshine this morning, I realised that this Snoopy quote couldn't be more appropriate to our situation.

As, due to all that's going on in the world just now, we have all been struggling to find any kind of sunshine in our lives.

No matter how distant we live from war, earthquakes, poverty and chaos, we need to know that we can still make a difference.

Spreading sunshine can be as simple as donating to the varying charities that are stretched beyond measure. However we can always use the power of thought to reach out to the displaced, lost or grieving. 

Not necessarily to send sunshine but to focus on Peace.

Wherever and whoever we are, we all need peace in our lives...

OM, shanti, shanti shanti.

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