Friday, 28 February 2025

Road ahead

 Sometimes, just sometimes you get the message that perhaps you are not in control of the journey...

  • Could be the unexpected temporary traffic lights that weren't there yesterday and are causing a delay. This one is easy to deal with as you just arrive at your destination a little later.
  • Even when faced with a frustrating traffic jam of hours, we can still keep our cool accepting that something major was causing the delay. 
So these are moments, that happen when travelling by car and the same frustrations can be felt and dealt with when travelling by bus, train or plane. These are first world problems. Problems of privilege, if you will and were brought crashing home to me, when faced with a health crisis that arrived without warning... 


This month has brought a mega lesson to my door.

Not the chest pain that brought me to my knees but the surrounding support, advice and healing that was there to help me through my health "event" as the doctor called it.

It was the realisation that in the world at large, people are suffering with no recourse to help. No control over their life and death circumstances. No opportunity to minimise their problems by accepting the delays...

Now it could be that my thought process was altered by my own grave health concerns. However, I am writing about it, because it should be something that I consider daily, especially as the world at large is in crisis.

Our meditation group, the Power of Eight, meet together and focus on an intention which changes with whatever circumstances, we as a group find ourselves. We set aside some time and prioritise our thoughts and this month's intention is 

"with peace in our hearts and peace in our minds, let us spread peace, love and hope around the world"

Anyone can make a difference to the road ahead, by thinking differently...



Monday, 6 January 2025

Take comfort...

 The picture below is an inspiring view of just a little part of our universe. It is one that draws me in and also comforts me, reminding me of the millenia of new years...


... and here we are in another new year. 

Lower case letters for me as I approach 2025. Last year was a bit of a blur if I am honest... and you know how I need to be honest.

I occupied my time with the Ayrshire Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group, being with my grand-kiddies, catching up with friends and family and immersing myself in Korean TV series. Yep, you read that right. I watched so many Korean series that I have now signed up to learn Korean on Duolingo and am finding it fascinating.

This year I would like a little more clarity in my use of time. It's important to have some idea of what is important!

So with that in mind ... and I have taken time over the past two weeks to ponder what I consider to be important. The result is that I intend to focus on comfort.

Everyone associates comfort with something else. Such as - comfort blanket, comfort food, comfort zone and the association is usually a negative one. However I would like to put a different slant on it and put comfort at the top of my priority list both for myself and others as comfort is a feeling beyond any of my words and a much needed presence in everyone's life.

So for 2025 in the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson

"This is my wish for you.

Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to lighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt yourself, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life"

Please take comfort in these words. They will make 2025 a lighter year for everyone.

Om shanti,


Thursday, 5 December 2024

Merry Christmas

It is the time of year when we need to shine our light brightly. Not just because it is dark and wintry in the northern hemisphere but because we need to share our light so that those around us can feel lighter and brighter.

Last year, as you know, was a difficult time for me to write about any form of Christmas cheer or to focus on shining.

This year, as you can imagine, is still difficult but I am in a place where I can accept that shining one's light is the only option I have. 

                             Sometimes a picture appears and the future seems a little clearer.

         Sometimes a light lifts the dark thoughts and the present becomes a little brighter. 

               Cherishing a memory always fills the heart and the past becomes a blessing.



Wednesday, 13 November 2024



Recently I have been pondering on the subject of friends and the power of friendship. The reason being, that although I have been blessed with great friends, my life just now would be a lot less bearable without these wonderful people in my life...

Not wanting to be maudlin, just stating the facts. Yesterday I met up with a school friend from Primary School. We met over a lovely, Italian lunch in Glasgow and chatted about our circumstances and the many people in our lives who have come and gone since we first met 66 years ago. 

Grazie mille Liz. I know that you are reading this because you always do...

Then there is the friend who travelled up from England to see if I really was ok and not just saying so on the phone. 

Grazie mille Lynn. 52 years since we shared a flat in Glasgow.

There are friends closer to home, who keep in touch and other friends, far flung who drop a line, send a card, lift the phone or email from time to time. I am blessed to know you and have you in my life...

Sometimes I meet a friend for coffee and a chat or go with them for a swim or a walk. Even the occasional lunch goes in the calendar and always time flies when true friendship is present at the table.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024


 For many years,  Andy and I would visit the Tuscan village of Castagneto Carducci in September to celebrate my birthday. Andy used to say it saved him thinking of what to buy me as a present! He just took me to a place we both loved to visit.

Our visits began by travelling to different places in Italy until we found a view that was unforgettable... one to enjoy every minute of the day, from dawn until dusk.

So this year I gave myself the present of returning to this special place and hosting various family members in La Casina, a very rustic, typically Italian establishment that offered various apartments to accommodate my visitors.

Residence La Casina

There was Grainne, my close friend who travelled out with me; Maggie, Andy's cousin from Canada and her husband Mark. 

Maggie, Eileen and Mark

Then Grainne went back to Scotland and Gordon, Rosie and Murphy came with Kenneth and Natalie.

Santa Lucia
 So many happy mealtimes, in so many wonderful locations. 

Yes, we were able to include mealtimes at the beach. Santa Lucia is a particular favourite of mine. I had spent many a birthday meal in this seafood restaurant usually for dinner so it was good to enjoy a lunchtime menu...

However this time we made new memories for my birthday dinner and found an osteria, Sambastiano, a new establishment in the village that looked after the extended crowd of us very well







Then it was time for Maggie and Mark to travel onwards to Lucca and Andy's brother Robin and sister Chris joined us for a few days.

There was much to-ing and fro-ing involving Pisa airport and various apartments were used. 

I settled into Casa Melograno by the pool side which became the hub for many celebratory meals... and drinks. 

 The view from my patio was something to drink in, especially when enjoing an Italian breakfast.


... or enjoying a splendid Italian sunset.

 and yes there was a big focus on meal times and celebrations as it was not just my birthday to celebrate but also Gordon's. 

His was a pizza night... with enormous pizzas. 

Much fun was had and every day there was something to enjoy.

However it was adventuresome, as I entitled this edition!

My arrival in Italy came with chest pain as I descended from the plane and thank goodness Grainne was travelling with me as she looked after me so well on that first day.

Then I became unwell and it was surmised that I had eaten a dodgy prawn as I was the only one who was unwell and the only one who had eaten the prawn. It was an unwelcome,  welcome to Italy that had not been on my itinerary!

So Grainne, grazie mille for being there. I have no idea how I would have managed without you...

After this inauspicious start, things began to look up and the following is a compilation of a few photos, reflecting what my September 2024 birthday celebration has been all about...


I think these photos will show why this place was so special to Andy and myself.

Thank you all, for making my birthday month such an unforgettable one. These new precious memories will be stored away for future recollection. Every photo taken is a precious memory of our recent time together. 

Grazie mille...

p.s. I also experienced a torrential flood, that was seemingly, the worst weather since 1968! Fortunately Kenneth and Natalie were still staying with me and they got to share the experience of Casa Melograno being flooded. Thank goodness it wasn't when Grainne was there. Or I don't think she would ever speak to me again!

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Reaching out

A  heartfelt request...

 Help us raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis this September

Over 5,000 people die from PF in the UK every year, and cases are on the rise. Diagnosis often comes too late, and we urgently need this to change.

This month is Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness month. It is a national campaign focusing on the signs and symptoms of this devastating disease. The Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis charity is wanting people to become more aware of the symptoms of persistant cough and breathlessness and to attend their GP with the question "could this be Pulmonary Fibrosis?".

As you know,  IPF, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and just to confuse is also termed ILD, Interstitial Lung Disease... was the condition that my husband suffered from. At present the condition is poorly understood, its cause is unknown and arrives in a person's life as a terminal diagnosis.

I couldn't have written this blog 10 months ago, but after Andy's death I became involved in the local Ayrshire PF Support Group. We meet every month, giving support to patients and carers by helping each other through some traumatic times but also sharing uplifting moments. These are when we come together for a common goal.

Recently our goal became wider than monthly meetings and finding speakers. Some of our members are part of a research group, others are cycling to fund raise and the group itself is now taking on the challenge of fund raising for an Ayrshire based ILD specialist nurse. A much needed resource for those already diagnosed and for others who may find that this month's national campaign strikes a chord with how they have been feeling.

Zoom yoga class taken during lockdown

Early diagnosis can help to access the best treatment pathway. Although there is no cure, some medicines can slow the disease and attending a pulmonary rehab programme also helps. Andy played tennis and golfed as long as he could. That was his pulmonary rehab routine but he also attended a yoga class... 

Yep, I was his teacher. Simple breathing exercises make a big difference. You can tell he is enthralled...

Check out the lockdown hairstyle

Andy knew what the condition would do to his health but he maintained his fitness level in anyway he could, including yogic breathing. He was an inspiration in how he continued everyday to make the most of everyday. His example is something I have taken to heart.

My ask of you, is to share the information from the APF National Campaign and if you feel you can, donate either on the website or get in touch with me and donate to our local support group. Or you can visit the website for more information.

Every month I write about what is happening in my life and this September, the awareness campaign is the most important event I have been privileged to be part of in a long, long time.

Thursday, 8 August 2024

Summer time.


Do any of you remember the song that went like this...  "Summer time when the living is easy"?

 Not sure who the singer was, but I am certain he didn't live in Scotland and wasn't looking after children during their school holidays! 

Fortunately, whenever I have been involved in looking after my grand-kiddies over the summer, the sun has been shining.

Yes shining! I know ... well I did say fortunately! and I have the photos to show for it.

This summer has flagged up so many memories for me of the times when I spent my summers with my gran in various places, visiting relatives around Scotland. 

We stayed on Islay - flew there;  Appin - by train and bus; Inveraray - by car; Stornaway - ferried and some really remote places that didn't even have a name, and I have no idea how we got there.

Strange how memories surface unexpectedly... and yes, I remember idyllic sunny summers, although I also can recall wellingtons being the go-to form of footwear.

So my summer has gone swimmingly, thanks for asking. By that, I mean I have swam a fair bit myself,  have taken the grandchildren to the pool at Seamill Hydro and The Portal in Irvine but our best swimming experiences were at the Auchrannie Hotel on Arran...

Blue sky view of Goatfell from the bedroom

 ... where we stayed for a couple of days and swam twice a day! Played havoc with my hair, but it was worth it.

 No photos poolside... but here are the kiddies and their food... yep, food was a highlight too.

Murphy and Rosie tucking into two healthy starters... their choice, honest.

It was a delight to see them eating so well. I am thinking that two swims a day can give you a bit of and appetite.

Another highlight was when Jodie, our waitress, joined in with our I-spy game. She was a bit of an expert..

However we did also have a traditional summer treat, an ice cream.

... they soooo deserved it, as they had walked miles. 

Literally miles... from Auchrannie, over the golf course to the shops for a football! 

... as you do, when football is your main passion. Murphy's that is, not mine.

More about ice cream later, as we also had a couple of days experience of the Edinburgh Festival staying with my friend Grainne, known to the kids as Aunty G!

Grazie mille Auntie G, what a wonderful time we had...

Festival treats...

Lots to see, lots to do... posing, that was Rosie... eating, that was both

and always smiling, well... nearly always.

Choc sauce. choc ice cream combo
on tram at the end of the stay.

Now, I wonder what is going to happen next month...