Saturday 8 February 2014


How do blessings appear to you? often they come to me in the form of crises, sometimes health ones and many times they come in the form of friends...

Two months ago, when Andy's car was stolen we were challenged to see the blessing but we did know it was there. In fact there were a few... I got to enjoy some time out as in some enforced R&R; Andy now has a lovely new car and we are both enjoying using the alarm system that we put in place nearly 15 years ago...

So that was a crisis, what about friends? It is wonderful when they rally round in a crisis or treat you to lunch or even take you as a surprise to the ballet. Thank you all...

I am feeling blessed just now especially as Andy and I were recognised as being in the top 10 business builders in Forever Scotland...
... number 8 in fact. Here is Bob Parker, the UK's MD presenting us with champagne and trophy. This accolade is due to the many friends who are now part of the growing team worldwide. Click here to see how you could join us...

So as recommended by all the sages, I am living in gratitude and saying thanks to the various crises and the wonderful friends that make up the many blessings in my life.
Grazie mille tutti... thanks a million everyone!