Tuesday 24 October 2023

Joy... and where to find it!

 Recent times have brought many adventures for the Auld family... and last weekend's visit to Eglinton Country Park's Dinosaur trail was a highlight in the calendar.

We even got Uncle Kenny in on the act as our professional photographer! I am sure you will like the montage below of two little people experiencing Joy.

Who wouldn't like to be a butterfly ...

pet a deer...

or befriend a frog

try being a bat
meet Mr Fox










and then find a mammoth ...

Then there are the many opportunities to hug. First an owl...









Then a Rosie... and badger!

a group hug... works for me.











and then the lesson learned from the grand-kids... find some joy, Nonna... hug a tree!

We can thoroughly recommend Eglinton Country Park, Kilwinning. 

After the dinosaur trail, more joy can be found in a wonderful cup of hot chocolate...