Thursday 26 April 2018

Reading material

I have for a long time, written in a gratitude journal at the end of the day. Or as I call it, close of play!   It is now such a habit that the day can't end without my replaying the passage of time and finding a raft of things to be grateful for.

Recently however I have also started to begin the day with gratitude. Grateful for the day ahead whatever it will bring ...

Among the many offerings my days hold are the wonderful authors, I now feel are part of my circle of friends.

 Included in the range of writers of fiction are quite a few poets and philosphers. Well it's good to have a mix of friends, don't you agree?

One such friend is Kahlil Gibran, the author of the famous metaphorical book, The Prophet. His inspirational take on life has kept me comforted through many a dark hour and helped me focus on all the riches that the gift of friendship offers.

So that explains why I haven't been writing so much recently, as I have been researching other people's books and enjoying a wide range of subjects ... from historical fiction to murder mysteries and beyond into what has become known as "metaphysical"!

Well, what else has a gal to do when March came and went with no new knee and the due date of the operation disappearing into a far off time ...

Reading comes high on the "to do list" but so too comes being with friends, sharing a cuppa or a glass or two of wine. Even extending the time spent together to a couple of hours of "due chiacchiere". That last mention is the Italian phrase for chat/gossip or deep philosphical discussion depending on your subject matter!
baci e un abbraccio i miei amici
p.s. fancy a chat?