Wednesday 15 April 2020

Unprecedented times ...

In these unprecedented times, today is Wednesday and it is my day for the weekly shop ... and as it turns out, it is also the day to write my monthly blog.

There are so many changes happening around our present circumstances, that it is hard, not to be sad or anxious when we are informed of the many people affected by this global pandemic.

However, it is also easy, to notice when we are surrounded by blessings. Whether it is the ability to take a walk, have a talk with friends and family on facebook, whatsapp, messenger and zoom or just the ability to breathe easily ...

Andy's and my personal routine while social distancing, is very similar to many others with the daily walk and weekly shop. Andy and I usually walk to the Largs "Pencil" landmark and over the past 3 weeks of lockdown, we have noticed that less and less people are walking the well trodden path to the local monument ... for whatever reason the town is getting quieter and quieter as we acclimatise to what is asked of us.

A normal morning always included a coffee with puzzles on the balcony when the sun shone.

Likewise, home made soups for lunch when there was a chill in the air was a regular feature in our weekly routine.

However experimenting with what's available in the fridge and freezer is totally new to us! As our cupboards empty, we are getting more and more inventive as the nearer to Wednesday's shopping day looms ...

Some of the other activities that are new to us, are the family zoom parties including Rosie's first birthday ... experienced as a virtual party!


It was good to see her enjoying her special day albeit virtually...

Virtual party

Birthday girl.

Our visit to Canada had been cancelled so connecting through the ether has been a godsend. Rosie is such a happy child and Murphy has been a very supportive big brother including helping her open her pressies.

Notice the suspicious hand in the photo!

Party frock.

Another difference in our daily routine is a return to teaching a yoga class.

 Andy and I have been exploring yoga postures and various relaxation methods in order to keep our bodies healthy and our minds relaxed.

Regularly at 4 pm, through an iphone video call to other members of the family, we stretch, bend and breathe in all sorts of ways.

I must say that it has been a unique moment of connection across the airwaves.

We all need to stay connected at this time. If someone comes into our thoughts, let's not let it be a transient moment in time but hold that person close and contact them anyway we can. Whatever we can do ... this is the time to do it.

Ready for the stairs?

However there are also times when there is nothing we can do!  As you can see from the photos, understandably, our plans, like everyone else's have gone on hold.

The attic conversion is waiting for the return of tradesmen ...
  the joiner even left his overalls!

Where is the en-suite bathroom?

 The loft is empty, however the rest of the house now has everything else that was once stored here. Lockdown has given us a chance to clear out much of our unecessary accumulated "stuff", but like everything else at this time, it has nowhere to go!
Porto Azzurro
 One of my favourite places to go is Porto Azzurro, on the island of Elba. I was intending to enrol again this summer for a course at the ABC Italian school. This is just another one of our cancelled visits. Our thoughts are with all those Italian friends who have faced this pandemic a few weeks ahead of us, here in the UK.

To all those around the world who are dealing with adversity, illness and bereavement, let's include a daily moment of our time to focus our loving thoughts flowing out into the ether ...

               Unprecedented times require us all to connect in any which way we can.