Just a short ponder this month on the use of colour in our vocabulary. Andy and I have been busy travelling recently. Attending Wimbledon again this year was an unexpected treat, due to us thinking that last year was a once-off. Not quite the bucket list but we certainly didn't plan Wimbledon as being a regular event on the calendar... but then we got to thinking... why not.

Everything about the event for us, is up in the 5* bracket. The customers service, the tennis service, the smiles, the umbrellas, the Pimms, the strawberries and cream... the atmosphere of utter enjoyment. The event is vibrant even on the greyest of days.
Is it about blue sky thinking? No clouds and everything being perfect. Now, not sure if you noticed, but that isn't a common occurrance at Wimbledon... and I am not just talking about the weather!
Then I got round to more thinking about how we use colour in our language to evoke specific feelings. Green with envy - in the red/black - purple patch - or even that now "old" slogan "The future's bright - the future's Orange". No-one knew what that meant originally but the power of advertising changed our perception of the colour orange.
So when you are feeling a little "off colour" and wondering what to do about it. I suggest changing just a shade and make "being in the pink " your catch phrase.
I have a feeling that regular use of this colourful language could change... everything!