I have had some more enforced leisure, but not of the physical kind. In fact I have now joined a gym and have committed to swimming twice a week. So all good on the exercise front and yes still walking my daily miles and plugging into my trusty groundology.
This time it was the lack of a functioning computer that interrupted my normal schedule. My laptop just decided to stop working and we still don't know why. It has now been overhauled but still in need of TLC. Something we all need.
The laptop and I parted company for a month and for the first 2 weeks I was busy with the Christmas festivities, New Year celebrations and even some general January spring cleaning. I really didn't miss the constant/daily need to go online and connect through the ether. I phoned and whatsapped friends and caught up in real time over a coffee or two and filled my days with the joy of physical movement.
Now ... I need to return to my daily writing as over the past week or so there has been a constant niggle. I have had a mind full of stories just waiting to be told.
So the update is: Yesterday the laptop returned home. Woohoo!
Today I am writing. 'tis heaven...
Tomorrow. who knows?
And I have no doubt, that next week/month/year will surprise us all.
Have a superb 2019 everyone. Leaving you with an image of Murphy on his Christmas pressies! He takes everything in his stride ... including skis!
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What do you mean "snows a problem"? |