Friday, 28 February 2025

Road ahead

 Sometimes, just sometimes you get the message that perhaps you are not in control of the journey...

  • Could be the unexpected temporary traffic lights that weren't there yesterday and are causing a delay. This one is easy to deal with as you just arrive at your destination a little later.
  • Even when faced with a frustrating traffic jam of hours, we can still keep our cool accepting that something major was causing the delay. 
So these are moments, that happen when travelling by car and the same frustrations can be felt and dealt with when travelling by bus, train or plane. These are first world problems. Problems of privilege, if you will and were brought crashing home to me, when faced with a health crisis that arrived without warning... 


This month has brought a mega lesson to my door.

Not the chest pain that brought me to my knees but the surrounding support, advice and healing that was there to help me through my health "event" as the doctor called it.

It was the realisation that in the world at large, people are suffering with no recourse to help. No control over their life and death circumstances. No opportunity to minimise their problems by accepting the delays...

Now it could be that my thought process was altered by my own grave health concerns. However, I am writing about it, because it should be something that I consider daily, especially as the world at large is in crisis.

Our meditation group, the Power of Eight, meet together and focus on an intention which changes with whatever circumstances, we as a group find ourselves. We set aside some time and prioritise our thoughts and this month's intention is 

"with peace in our hearts and peace in our minds, let us spread peace, love and hope around the world"

Anyone can make a difference to the road ahead, by thinking differently...